
Showing posts with label countryside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label countryside. Show all posts

Ihlara valley

Ihlara valley is in central Anatolia, Turkey. Melendiz river flows in the middle of the valley. There are a lot of houses and churches in the canyon. It was the first settlement of the first Christians escaping from Roman soldiers. In the Ihlara Valley there are hundreds of old churches in the volcanic rock caves.

wooden bridge in the woods

A wooden bridge over in the forest. But there is no water below in the creek almost dry.

Old stone windmills

I have met these 3 old windmills on the way and wanted to take their photographs


Just before sunrise.
Actually it is a beautiful place to take photographs. You should carry a wide angle and a good zoom in this road.
But as I did not have much time it is a snapshot.


Geographic events formed Peribacaları (fairy chimneys), during the historical period.
The name was traditionally used in Christian sources throughout history and is still widely used as an international tourism concept to define a region of exceptional natural wonders characterized by fairy chimneys (image below) and a unique historical and cultural heritage. The term, as used in tourism, roughly corresponds to present-day Nevşehir Province of Turkey.
For more info:

A turtle on the countryside road

Even if you are slow, be patient , you will reach the target

In the tales turtles are faster than rabbits

Mechelerhof, Mechelen

These pictures were taken in De Mechelerhof in Mechelen (Limburg) where during a company meeting we have stayed in 1997. Very nice countryside and very good place for short (even long) holidays. It was a nice trip.
I hope still keeps the beautiful nature.
Pictures were taken with my Nikon Fa but printed in 1997 and now scanned by a desktop printer (HP PSC 1410) from the photographs.


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